Samsung is preparing its next generation of flagships for launch in 2018, and looks like we already have some photos and numbers to match it up with the rivals. As reported earlier, Samsung is readying three different models of the Galaxy S9 this time-the Galaxy S9, the Galaxy S9+ and the Galaxy S9 Mini. Latest leaks spotted by Forbes reveal that the mini variant will have a 5-inch display, while the other two will be similar to their 2017 counterparts. All three models will come with Samsung dual-edge-curved 'Infinity' display, unlike previous mini models styled differently than flagship variants. This could make Samsung's foothold stronger in the mid-range segment. The leak also claims the Galaxy S9 will come with dual cameras with a BABR coating ('broad-band anti-reflection') on the lenses. DSLR lenses use BABR coating to limit ghosting and reflection. The company might also reposition the fingerprint scanner on the device. A report from And...
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